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Network presentation,opening hours, access
Instructions for subscriptions and loans
Internet access, WIFI, photocopies, working areas : every services available in the libraries
Illustrated tales, comics, movies or novels for children of every age
Young adults Passerelle & co : an offer specially designed for teenagers and young adults
News on shelves, focus on collections… everything you need to know about adult section
You can't find a reference in our catalogue, you want to suggest the purchase of a novel, a CD or a DVD?
Literature, children’s books, foreign languages, business, lifestyle… on digital
The Paris Philharmonic opens its doors 24 hours a day
Tutoring, language learning, office and multimedia, music... with Skilleos
1600 press titles, magazines and daily newspapers on Cafeyn
From 0 to 15 years old, everything you need to know about these shelves full of discoveries, and on the events geared towards youth
Collège students, lycée students, university students, the libraries offer you plenty of services and collections to study and enjoy reading !
Adults or senior
Teachers, professionals working with children, members of associations… Find every information on the services and the subscriptions of the librairies
Document delivery service at home, large print novels, building, website… Every information on the accessibility of the librairies
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