Accessibility - Les médiathèques de Saint-Germain-en-Laye

Menu principal-GB

This site is ""accessible"", in the sense of the law of 11 February 2005 on digital accessibility, which requires, from 2008, that public websites respect certain technical criteria allowing, in particular, their consultation through the tools made available to the visually impaired : text-to-speech engines, Braille displays and adapted keyboards.

Particular care has been taken with the graphic charter : page ergonomics, use of web description standards and specific style sheets.


Aids offered

* Tabulation key navigation
* Allows you to select the necessary link and validate by pressing Enter.


Accessibility bar

By clicking on the top left-hand corner of the home page, a simplified access allows you to go directly to :
- the menu
- the content
- to the search


Breadcrumb trail

Indicates the pages consulted during navigation.



* Clicking on the logo takes you back to the home page
* Adjusting the size of the text/page: Ctrl key and mouse wheel
* Controlling the size of the font with the key combinations CTRL-+, CTRL--, CTRL-0



The accessibility of digital resources does not depend on the libraries.